When a volatile student filmmaker visits his muse and girlfriend on the set of his rival’s new film, his jealous ultimatums drive a rift between them, possibly forever.
Adrian Deneuve (20M) - Sunglasses on, slicked-back hair, the savior of cinema. Adrian is a volatile, jealous, self-destructive intellectual who’s madly in love with Melanie.
Melanie Griffiths (20F) - The defiant ingénue of Peter’s new film, Melanie has let herself sink into a melancholic malaise. Now, she is desperate for any sign Adrian loves her even half as much as he loves himself.
Peter O'Hare (20M) - The refined, business-like director of The Institute’s new premiere picture. Peter is a worksman dedicated to his craft and his gentlemanly pursuit of Melanie.
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